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Helping people find solutions

A key component of the modernized complaints process we launched in 2021 is about allowing people to get to mediation more swiftly. This way, they have a chance to resolve their discrimination complaint informally and at the earliest opportunity.

Mediation is voluntary and confidential. Our mediation services are facilitated by the Commission's team of impartial mediators, who give both parties the opportunity to explain their side of the issue and try to resolve the concerns that led to the complaint.

In 2021, with COVID-19 restrictions still in place, we continued with our virtual mediation process, relying on video and teleconferencing to conduct mediation and conciliation sessions. In fact, this virtual mediation has helped improve and accelerate the way we process complaints. It has contributed to our collective goal in 2021 to find new ways to ensure that the people who come to the Commission for help are efficiently served.